We're all monsters

Vladimir is my imaginary friend and he's schizophrenic.
I guess he simply embodies the dark side of me and
our demons play well together I can't complain.
He's smart and he's a collector of all the things I think I need.
I don't. But he knows me better because he's my shadow.
Things are never complicated with Vladimir, he knows my mind.
He is the product of it but never complains.
We've been fighting lately and he tried to escape,
never happened before. He likes captivity but he said he's in love.
I asked of who, he pointed at me. I said no, it cannot be.
So he stared at me with a burning fire in his eyes
yet his heart was cold as ice. He asked me:
Love, how do you want to die?
I glanced away as time passed by and simply wiped him of my mind.
I do miss him sometimes, but we're all monsters in the end.
Ain't that right?


  1. Impresionant, but inside of me is a demon..And you know it.

  2. So you are saying, we may be monsters but that's far away from being demons. Don't you agree?

  3. Probabil că suntem atunci când gândurile dorm...

  4. Intr-adevar, cand gandurile dorm s-ar putea sa ramana doar faptele ce te pot transforma usor in demon.

  5. s-acum vin eu: gandurile dorm:-??

  6. You have the questions but do I have the answers?
    I don't know is the answer to both questions yours and mine. Iacov, is there ever silence in your head?


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