
Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2012

I wonder?

I wonder, what's a shoe, just one? Is it a pair, i wonder? But what's a rainbow? It's just colors? And if Romeo has Juliet? Are they the Capulet? And still i wonder what's a battle? It's a surrender? Then what's a very lovely friend? If he can turn to stranger?


Te vad in fiecare zi cum treci pe-aceeasi strada, Ba mai mult locuiesti vis-a-vis Si stii mai mult decat lasi sa se vada. Stiu ca stai treaz pana tarziu caci uiti lumina aprinsa Si stiu ca scri atunci cand esti trist ca ti lumina stinsa, Nu-ti plac plimbarile eu cred, caci este mereu grabit As vrea sa poti sa-ncetinesti de-ai stii ca esti iubit, Pe calea ta am vrut sa merg o data si de-atatea ori, Dar te pierdeam mereu pe drum ori ma-ntorceam-napoi. Te-aveam in gand zile intregi iar uneori doar clipe M-am mintit de-atatea ori ca sunt si eu pentru tine Acel strain staruitor si te gandesti la mine, Visam ca pasii tai marunti s-or indrepta spre mine Si-mi vei sopti intr-o zi, candva , 'Buna, mi-a fost dor de tine' Dar cineva, altcineva, intr-o zi m-a oprit si mi-a spus asa: 'Te vad in fiecare zi cum treci pe aceeasi strada, Parca ai cauta ceva dar nu lasi sa se vada. Si stiu ca-ti plac plimbarile caci te vad mereu pe-aici Eu locuiesc vis-a-vis la casa verde c...

Until i found you

I was a lost soul, another loveless one, I was a broken mirror, I was somebody's son. I was the love affair, I was the second choice, I was the river's water, I was rebellion's voice, I was a bad friend, I was a sad story, I was a real bad choice, I was a past to burry. I was an unmade bed, I was a broken hear, I was the faith cheater, I was always apart. I was a cloudy sky, I was a storm of hate I was quicksand, I was what you call fate. I was took for granted, I was misunderstood, I was overwhelmed, I gave less that i could Until i found YOU with your sensless love More miserable, more hurt, and yet more far above You with mysterious eyes and mind to blow away, You being so quiet but have so much to say You who understands me, being misunderstood, You who gaves me more i ask, or more i could. You my friend, my lover, my fate, my choice, my story You my rebellion, my heart, my past that i once buried. You my present, my beloved, the one who warmes my be...